Monday, June 3, 2013

Let the adventure begin!

The whole reason for this trip was to visit the friends I have gained these past 3 years while attending Winona State. I didn't expect there to be so many international students in Winona. I originally connected with them my freshmen year when both I and the international students were new to After getting to know more and more foreign exchange students, I realized how much I enjoy being friends with people of different cultures. So, my sophomore and junior years I got very involved with international services. I helped out with orientation, became an officer of international club, and even became a tutor for the English Learning Center. 

A majority of the students I have become involved with have been from Taiwan and Korea. Which, is why I am choosing to visit these two countries. I have always wanted to go on a trip to Asia, and now I finally took action and am going! I figured this is my last summer off before I graduate college, so I might as well fulfill my dream while I still have the opportunity. And I also thought this would be a more valuable experience than doing something more academic or career oriented. 

I have been full of emotions while waiting for June 4th to arrive. Excited, nervous, sad because I will miss everyone I left back home, but more importantly, I am happy that I get to see my old friends again.

It is hard to believe the time is already here!

Nevertheless, this shall be an adventure!



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